Mind Control Flies Toy Helicopter: Autism or Epilepsy Cure? | This Could Be Big - Yahoo! News:
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But now a device with the simplicity of a head massager can read the electrical activity deep inside your melon and relay those commands to any number of devices.
It is the $300 Emotive Epic headset, and it could change how paraplegics move, soldiers shoot and the lazy change channels. But Emotive's founder and inventor thinks it can help understand and cure diseases from autism to epilepsy.
Until there is mind-control romance, we take a look at the bubbliest trend in on-line dating; location-based social apps. After Joel Simkhai created a gay hook-up app called Grindr, he says countless women begged him for a straight version.
With Blendr, anyone can create a profile, check in and see how many fellow dog/sushi/"Mad Men"-loving singles are within walking distance. Now if he can just convince all women that "proximity" is a turn on.
Anyone who has tried online dating can attest that profile photos and reality don't often match.
But while Skype and Facetime make it harder to hide the real you, Jason Siraghi's Face Tracker algorithm changes the game once again. It allows anyone with a web camera to "wear" another face in real time. The edges are still rough, but as more coders jump in and perfect the software, it is only a matter of time before a scandal-plagued celeb uses the "someone stole my face" defense.
And for people who prefer whimsy over warfare, there is a quick look at the vast new online game called Glitch.
Got an idea? Invention? Witty rejoinder? You can find me on Twitter @BillWeirABC.
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- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not