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Saturday, January 03, 2004
Daily Kos || Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.: "While felt in multitude of areas, this attempt to subvert the states is strongest in social issues -- attempts to block states from recognizing gay marriage or civil unions, medicinal marijuana voter initiatives, and euthenasia laws"
Blog Archive
- Op-Ed Contributor: Givers and Takers: "The Democra...
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Soros prepa...
- BAD ATTITUDES: "The U.S. economy now borrows $1.5 ...
- BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Parrot's oratory stuns...
- The Only Superbad Power: "Someday Bush may be prov...
- Crooked Timber: Comment Preview: "Crooked Timber P...
- Roger Ailes: "Mickey Kaus admits there is more tha...
- New Scientist: "Fields such as genomics are crying...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Masters of Deception: " I have no...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Who Gets It?: "The real division ...
- Can PM Appease Bush?: "Some refer to George W. Bus...
- Public Citizen: "Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director of Pub...
- "Creative Class War" by Richard Florida: " Most of...
- Yahoo! News - Scientists Develop Experimenting Rob...
- Yahoo! News - Company Hopes to Make Windows for Fu...
- The Year of the Fake: " This was the year when fak...
- DRUDGE REPORT 2004�: "George W. Bush's Ten Command...
- Study Published by Army Criticizes War on Terror's...
- Connections: Finding the Universal Laws That Are T...
- Professor Nagl�s War: "The paradox might be imposs...
- TAP: Web Feature: Dean's Duty. by Michael Tomasky....
- Daily Kos || Political Analysis and other daily ra...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Who’s Nader Now?: "It's true that...
About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not