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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Mommy, I Want My Tax Cut! - Do whiny kids grow up to be conservatives? By William�Saletan: "A longitudinal study suggests whiny kids grow up to be conservative. They 'turned into rigid young adults who hewed closely to traditional gender roles and were uncomfortable with ambiguity. The confident kids turned out liberal and were still hanging loose, turning into bright, non-conforming adults with wide interests.' The authors suspect 'insecure kids look for the reassurance provided by tradition and authority,' whereas 'the more confident kids are eager to explore alternatives.' This matches a 2003 analysis that suggested 'people who are dogmatic, fearful, [and] intolerant of ambiguity ... are more likely to gravitate to conservatism.' Criticisms: 1) They did the study in Berkeley. 2) The correlations aren't that strong. 3) They skewed the interpretation, calling moral confidence 'rigidity.' 4) They overlooked left-wing rigidity. 5) What about the recent Pew study that showed Republicans are happier than Democrats?(For Human Nature's takes on left-wing rigidity and right-wing sexual liberalism, click here and here.)"
Sunday, March 19, 2006
My problem with people that have BPD - "What about the reclusive/anti-social, hermit-like BPD? Those of us with those traits (well, speaking for myself here) have few friends because it's emotionally draining being around others for a length of time, even family members. I'm quite comfortable with my own company.
When I'm around other people I prefer to engage in intellectual discussions, not the latest gossip about Hollywood tripe or the crap on TV. Rather than suffer through meaningless drivel, I'll sit alone and read instead."
When I'm around other people I prefer to engage in intellectual discussions, not the latest gossip about Hollywood tripe or the crap on TV. Rather than suffer through meaningless drivel, I'll sit alone and read instead."
Friday, March 17, 2006
psychiatry-research : Message: Article: Ion Channel Interaction Sheds Light On Epilepsy, Other Neurological Disorders: "Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have discovered the mechanism that facilitates how two ion channels collaborate in the control of electrical signals in the brain. The investigators showed that the channels were anchored by a third protein at key locations on the nerve cell surface, allowing them to work together to set the timing and pattern of nerve impulses. They also found that this channel partnership mechanism is present in all vertebrates, but is lacking in invertebrates, suggesting that the coupling of these channels may be essential for the higher abilities of vertebrate brains. The elucidation of this novel interaction should aid efforts to develop new treatments for epileptic seizures, pain, and abnormal muscle movements. They report their findings in the cover article of the March 8 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience."
'American Theocracy,' by Kevin Phillips - The New York Times - Book Review - New York Times: "As he's done in so many of his earlier books, Mr. Phillips draws a lot of detailed analogies in these pages, using demographics, economic statistics and broader cultural trends to map macropatterns throughout history. In analyzing the fates of Rome, Hapsburg Spain, the Dutch Republic, Britain and the United States, he comes up with five symptoms of 'a power already at its peak and starting to decline': 1) 'widespread public concern over cultural and economic decay,' along with social polarization and a widening gap between rich and poor; 2) 'growing religious fervor' manifested in a close state-church relationship and escalating missionary zeal; 3) 'a rising commitment to faith as opposed to reason and a corollary downplaying of science'; 4) 'considerable popular anticipation of a millennial time frame' and 5) 'hubris-driven national strategic and military overreach' in pursuit of 'abstract international missions that the nation can no longer afford, economically or politically.' Added to these symptoms, he writes, is a sixth one, almost too obvious to state: high debt, which can become 'crippling in its own right.' "
Saturday, March 11, 2006 "Clinically, a personality disorder is an 'enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectation of the individual�s culture, is pervasive and inflexible (unlikely to change), is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment in interpersonal relationships.' ' - BPD Central. "
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Yahoo! 360�: "Sent To: ��esce?di?g�A?ge?�, *Cara*, *kate*, A Z, angel, Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, Ashley A, Ashley B, Ashley C, ASHLEY M, ashleydale00, Barbara L, Bluet, Boomer, Britney B, Broken Inside, Brooks R, cat, Cherry-L, ChIcK ~a~ DeE, compulsive cancer, Courtney M, crazy gracie, crazy ma, crazy/beautiful, crazybabydoll, Crazybeautiful, cutter, cutter, Dana Lynn, Dani, Dark Angel, DeAtH xxx AnGeL, default user, Depressed_Girl, Dj Doc Holliday, freshfiregirl, Gabe, girliespeedracer, GOTHIC PRINCESS, Heart-Broken And Lonely, J R, Jada, Jess, Johanna G, Judith A, Laurie K, Liliane, Lonely TimeBomb, Mary Lou, Matilda, Michelle, Monte Cristo, PLAYBOY, Rach, reena c, Robyn, rony, sad girl, sad i, Sad-Angel, sad_eyes, sad_eyes, sad_melody, sammy, sheila, SHORTBREAD, sponge, Suicidal Psychosis, Sweet & Spicey, Tamar, Tatiana, tearz, the unknown artist, Tracy F, Velana, Vicious, waukatt, "
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- Mommy, I Want My Tax Cut! - Do whiny kids grow up ...
- My problem with people that have BPD - www.ezboard...
- psychiatry-research : Message: Article: Ion Channe...
- 'American Theocracy,' by Kevin Phillips - The New ...
- "Clinically, a pe...
- Yahoo! 360�: "Sent To: ��esce?di?g�A?ge?�, *Cara*,...
About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not