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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Encyclopedia - Yahoo! Reference: "In theory dialectical materialism is meant to provide both a general world view and a specific method for the investigation of scientific problems. The basic tenets are that everything is material and that change takes place through 'the struggle of opposites.' Because everything contains different elements that are in opposition, 'self-movement' automatically occurs; the conflict of opposing forces leads to growth, change, and development, according to definite laws. Communist scientists were expected to fit their investigations into this pattern, and official approval of scientific theories in the USSR was determined to some extent by their conformity to dialectical materialism (see Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich). Use of these principles in history and sociology is sometimes called historical materialism. Under these doctrines the social, political, and intellectual life of society reflect only the economic structure, since human beings create the forms of social life solely in response to economic needs. Men are divided into classes by their relations to the means of production�land and capital. The class that controls the means of production inevitably exploits the other classes in society; it is this class struggle that produces the dynamic of history and is the source of progress toward a final uniformity. Historical materialism is deterministic; that is, it prescribes that history inevitably follows certain laws and that individuals have little or no influence on its development. Central to historical materialism is the belief that change takes place through the meeting of two opposing forces (thesis and antithesis); their opposition is resolved by combination produced by a higher force (synthesis). Historical materialism has had many advocates outside the Communist world"
Encyclopedia - Yahoo! Reference: "In theory dialectical materialism is meant to provide both a general world view and a specific method for the investigation of scientific problems. The basic tenets are that everything is material and that change takes place through 'the struggle of opposites.' Because everything contains different elements that are in opposition, 'self-movement' automatically occurs; the conflict of opposing forces leads to growth, change, and development, according to definite laws. Communist scientists were expected to fit their investigations into this pattern, and official approval of scientific theories in the USSR was determined to some extent by their conformity to dialectical materialism (see Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich). Use of these principles in history and sociology is sometimes called historical materialism. Under these doctrines the social, political, and intellectual life of society reflect only the economic structure, since human beings create the forms of social life solely in response to economic needs. Men are divided into classes by their relations to the means of production�land and capital. The class that controls the means of production inevitably exploits the other classes in society; it is this class struggle that produces the dynamic of history and is the source of progress toward a final uniformity. Historical materialism is deterministic; that is, it prescribes that history inevitably follows certain laws and that individuals have little or no influence on its development. Central to historical materialism is the belief that change takes place through the meeting of two opposing forces (thesis and antithesis); their opposition is resolved by combination produced by a higher force (synthesis). Historical materialism has had many advocates outside the Communist world"
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Bush Out (by Gandhi): "Expect The Worst
The Atlantic Online takes a long, hard look at Karl Rove:
'If this year stays true to past form, the campaign will get nastier in the closing weeks, and without anyone's quite registering it, Rove will be right back in his element. He seems to understand - indeed, to count on - the media's unwillingness or inability, whether from squeamishness, laziness, or professional caution, ever to give a full estimate of him or his work. It is ultimately not just Rove's skill but his character that allows him to perform on an entirely different plane. Along with remarkable strategic skills, he has both an understanding of the media's unstated self-limitations and a willingness to fight in territory where conscience forbids most others.
Rove isn't bracing for a close race. He's depending on it.'"
The Atlantic Online takes a long, hard look at Karl Rove:
'If this year stays true to past form, the campaign will get nastier in the closing weeks, and without anyone's quite registering it, Rove will be right back in his element. He seems to understand - indeed, to count on - the media's unwillingness or inability, whether from squeamishness, laziness, or professional caution, ever to give a full estimate of him or his work. It is ultimately not just Rove's skill but his character that allows him to perform on an entirely different plane. Along with remarkable strategic skills, he has both an understanding of the media's unstated self-limitations and a willingness to fight in territory where conscience forbids most others.
Rove isn't bracing for a close race. He's depending on it.'"
Bush Out (by Gandhi): "Expect The Worst
The Atlantic Online takes a long, hard look at Karl Rove:
'If this year stays true to past form, the campaign will get nastier in the closing weeks, and without anyone's quite registering it, Rove will be right back in his element. He seems to understand - indeed, to count on - the media's unwillingness or inability, whether from squeamishness, laziness, or professional caution, ever to give a full estimate of him or his work. It is ultimately not just Rove's skill but his character that allows him to perform on an entirely different plane. Along with remarkable strategic skills, he has both an understanding of the media's unstated self-limitations and a willingness to fight in territory where conscience forbids most others.
Rove isn't bracing for a close race. He's depending on it.'"
The Atlantic Online takes a long, hard look at Karl Rove:
'If this year stays true to past form, the campaign will get nastier in the closing weeks, and without anyone's quite registering it, Rove will be right back in his element. He seems to understand - indeed, to count on - the media's unwillingness or inability, whether from squeamishness, laziness, or professional caution, ever to give a full estimate of him or his work. It is ultimately not just Rove's skill but his character that allows him to perform on an entirely different plane. Along with remarkable strategic skills, he has both an understanding of the media's unstated self-limitations and a willingness to fight in territory where conscience forbids most others.
Rove isn't bracing for a close race. He's depending on it.'"
Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News: "Americans' distrust of politicians and business leaders has reached an 'epidemic' level, driven by the Iraq war, the disputed 2000 presidential election and financial scandals, a Reuters/DecisionQuest poll revealed on Wednesday.
This could have been a real election "
by: cat00012000 09/29/04 05:15 pm
Msg: 1610 of 1610
no matter who gets elected
This could have been a real election "
by: cat00012000 09/29/04 05:15 pm
Msg: 1610 of 1610
no matter who gets elected
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Yahoo! Groups : bpd-supportgroup Post Message: ":
From: cat
Date: Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:34 pm
Subject: Re: intro/Lesley
I am so proud of all the people whose letters I've read that have
spoke the truth about their therapists. I'm not recomending any
course of action. I'm just glad you have a forum to speak out in and
the courage to do so. When I used to be able to sneak a peak at my
medical records I always saw the term, ego deficit, used a lot. It is
easier for me to live the life of a hermit than to deal with my fear
of abandonment. Realize that therapists are just getting their feet
wet in
learning how to deal with this disorder. Sure they could be better,
but a lot is just going to have to be done just by relying on each
other. Keep the faith.
--- In, 'free_ly_ming'
> Gosh. What courage you have "
From: cat
Date: Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:34 pm
Subject: Re: intro/Lesley
I am so proud of all the people whose letters I've read that have
spoke the truth about their therapists. I'm not recomending any
course of action. I'm just glad you have a forum to speak out in and
the courage to do so. When I used to be able to sneak a peak at my
medical records I always saw the term, ego deficit, used a lot. It is
easier for me to live the life of a hermit than to deal with my fear
of abandonment. Realize that therapists are just getting their feet
wet in
learning how to deal with this disorder. Sure they could be better,
but a lot is just going to have to be done just by relying on each
other. Keep the faith.
--- In, 'free_ly_ming'
> Gosh. What courage you have "
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News: "IT'S BUSH'S CHARACTER, STUPID!
by: cat00012000 09/18/04 10:29 pm
Msg: 1179 of 1179
This election is about who is going to make decisions for this country for the next four years. Bush attacked Kerry's character. Is Kerry too timid to attack Bush's? Why has Bush made so many bad decisions? Should we expect him to continue to do so? I certainly do"
by: cat00012000 09/18/04 10:29 pm
Msg: 1179 of 1179
This election is about who is going to make decisions for this country for the next four years. Bush attacked Kerry's character. Is Kerry too timid to attack Bush's? Why has Bush made so many bad decisions? Should we expect him to continue to do so? I certainly do"
Yahoo! Mail - "
Subject:It's Bush's Character, Stupid!
Date:Sat, 18 Sep 2004 21:01:26 -0500
It's time to make Bush's character the issue. It's the reason he has made one bad decision after another and will continue to do so. Light a fire under Kerry. Make him see the light"
Subject:It's Bush's Character, Stupid!
Date:Sat, 18 Sep 2004 21:01:26 -0500
It's time to make Bush's character the issue. It's the reason he has made one bad decision after another and will continue to do so. Light a fire under Kerry. Make him see the light"
'Conservative' World Order? ( " Conservatism teaches us useful things: an appreciation of tradition, family and religion; a wariness of great big plans to improve the world; and an attentiveness to the unintended consequences of well-intended actions"The idea that our country had the capacity to transform Iraq into a thriving democracy was always a reach. But if we were going to make this enormous effort, the conservative thing to do was to assume from the beginning that it would be hard
DNC: Kicking Ass - Open Thread 9/18: "It just seems to me from talking to others that the swiftboat ads took the steam out of John Kerry's campaign. These ads effectively made Kerry's character the issue. Kerry needs to rebutt this tactic by making George Bush's character the issue. Why has George Bush made the terrible choices that he has? People are saying Kerry lacks the meaness to stand up to Bush. Kerry needs to attack where it counts - at Bush's soul. Is Kerry another Dukakis? Are we going to give this election away? We have to call a spade a spade. Stand up and fight!"
Outdoor Power Equipment: Product evolution in OPE market: "Product evolution in OPE market
Outdoor Power Equipment, Feb, 2002 by Ron Willis
Lawns became popular in French formal gardens in the 1700s and then were copied in England. The English version of the garden was usually larger than the French version and required more maintenance. The first gardens were maintained by grazing animals or with a sickle or scythe.
In 1830, Edwin Budding, an English engineer and inventor, created the first lawn mower. Budding's lawn mower was very similar to the reel-type push mowers that were popular in the United States in the early part of the 20th century. The 1900 Sears catalog offered a 14-inch-cut reel mower for the sum of $3.40. For an additional $.30, you could move up to a 15-inch-cut model. The 20-inch-cut model, the largest available, could be bought for $4.50. The mowers had reels with four blades, were manufactured by the Acme Mower Company, and looked amazingly like Budding's original mower.
The lawn mower changed dramatically in 1940 when Leonard Goodall invented the rotary power mower. This new device transformed lawn mowing forever. The direction of the industry immediately changed from manually powered devices to engine-powered devices. The accepted mower moved from the reel to the rotary. As engines became lighter, more efficient, and more reliable, we began to see products that not only had the cutting mechanism engine powered but the method of propulsion, too. Soon the operator no longer had to walk behind, but could ride.
The industry continues to show the rapid evolution of product design that has been characteristic since its beginning. The one thing that has been fairly constant over the past 25 years has been the number of walk-behind rotary mowers sold. That number is typically around 5,000,000 un"
Outdoor Power Equipment, Feb, 2002 by Ron Willis
Lawns became popular in French formal gardens in the 1700s and then were copied in England. The English version of the garden was usually larger than the French version and required more maintenance. The first gardens were maintained by grazing animals or with a sickle or scythe.
In 1830, Edwin Budding, an English engineer and inventor, created the first lawn mower. Budding's lawn mower was very similar to the reel-type push mowers that were popular in the United States in the early part of the 20th century. The 1900 Sears catalog offered a 14-inch-cut reel mower for the sum of $3.40. For an additional $.30, you could move up to a 15-inch-cut model. The 20-inch-cut model, the largest available, could be bought for $4.50. The mowers had reels with four blades, were manufactured by the Acme Mower Company, and looked amazingly like Budding's original mower.
The lawn mower changed dramatically in 1940 when Leonard Goodall invented the rotary power mower. This new device transformed lawn mowing forever. The direction of the industry immediately changed from manually powered devices to engine-powered devices. The accepted mower moved from the reel to the rotary. As engines became lighter, more efficient, and more reliable, we began to see products that not only had the cutting mechanism engine powered but the method of propulsion, too. Soon the operator no longer had to walk behind, but could ride.
The industry continues to show the rapid evolution of product design that has been characteristic since its beginning. The one thing that has been fairly constant over the past 25 years has been the number of walk-behind rotary mowers sold. That number is typically around 5,000,000 un"
Yahoo! Groups : bordertown_dbt Join This Group: "I am a 53 year old divorced white male on disability with bipolar disorder & borderline personality disorder. I am trying to understand myself better and become more productive. I am a member of other email lists and find them helpful. I am trying to come to terms with my life and where I go from here. I think sharing with others would help me do that. "
Thursday, September 09, 2004
The Smirking Chimp: "On 2004-09-05 14:28, miffy wrote:
I don't like to fault Xtians for being political because from early childhood my own religious orientation was extremely political. I was raised Unitarian and for the years that my family attended the First Unitarian Universalist Church in Detroit it was ALL politics all the time--civil rights, feminism, anti-Vietnam War activism, anti-nukes, environmentalism. Our minister, Rev. Anthony Perrino, was a local hero for having gone to jail for referring a parishoner to a doctor who'd give her a safe a pre-Roe V. Wade abortion. We sang songs about feeding the poor children of the world and performed pro-peace skits and trick-or-treated for UNICEF. And nobody in this world can tell me it was wrong of us to mix religion and politics. So be fair, dudes.
You're confusing politics with resistance. If your parish minister was truly mixing religion with politics then he wouldn't have been put in jail. There's nothing wrong with churches taking position as advocates on social issues. There's something seriously wrong when it decides to make itself a handmaid to a political power structure to advance its ideology and make that ideology the law of the land. "
I don't like to fault Xtians for being political because from early childhood my own religious orientation was extremely political. I was raised Unitarian and for the years that my family attended the First Unitarian Universalist Church in Detroit it was ALL politics all the time--civil rights, feminism, anti-Vietnam War activism, anti-nukes, environmentalism. Our minister, Rev. Anthony Perrino, was a local hero for having gone to jail for referring a parishoner to a doctor who'd give her a safe a pre-Roe V. Wade abortion. We sang songs about feeding the poor children of the world and performed pro-peace skits and trick-or-treated for UNICEF. And nobody in this world can tell me it was wrong of us to mix religion and politics. So be fair, dudes.
You're confusing politics with resistance. If your parish minister was truly mixing religion with politics then he wouldn't have been put in jail. There's nothing wrong with churches taking position as advocates on social issues. There's something seriously wrong when it decides to make itself a handmaid to a political power structure to advance its ideology and make that ideology the law of the land. "
The Smirking Chimp: "17 of 17. CC1 | Member 8093, Joined Sep 05, 2002 | 89 posts
Posted: 2004-09-09 22:26
I would make a point of how Bush's character leads him to make bad decisions. This would be especially appropriate the next time Bush uses a really cheap shot on Kerry which he will undoubtedly do again since they have worked so well up till now.
'No, something can be done,' Atta replied. 'There are ways. The U.S.A. is not omnipotent.'
If we can't do it with love in our hearts and a smile on our faces then we don't have any right to do it at all. We're suppose to be some kind of different. Stills
Posted: 2004-09-09 22:26
I would make a point of how Bush's character leads him to make bad decisions. This would be especially appropriate the next time Bush uses a really cheap shot on Kerry which he will undoubtedly do again since they have worked so well up till now.
'No, something can be done,' Atta replied. 'There are ways. The U.S.A. is not omnipotent.'
If we can't do it with love in our hearts and a smile on our faces then we don't have any right to do it at all. We're suppose to be some kind of different. Stills
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- Bush Out (by Gandhi): "Expect The Worst The Atlan...
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About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not