The New York Times > Business > Study Aside, Fat-Fighting Industry Continues Mission: Moral panic: "'There are moments when certain things become the focus of the society because they are believed to be a danger to the society. And it is believed that if you focus on it you will be able to avoid it or cure it"
Prepare for the Overlords!
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
News: "Scientists have begun putting genes from human beings into food crops in a dramatic extension of genetic modification. The move, which is causing disgust and revulsion among critics, is bound to strengthen accusations that GM technology is creating 'Frankenstein foods' and drive the controversy surrounding it to new heights."
In the first modification of its kind, Japanese researchers have inserted a gene from the human liver into rice to enable it to digest pesticides and industrial chemicals. The gene makes an enzyme, code-named CPY2B6, which is particularly good at breaking down harmful chemicals in the body
In the first modification of its kind, Japanese researchers have inserted a gene from the human liver into rice to enable it to digest pesticides and industrial chemicals. The gene makes an enzyme, code-named CPY2B6, which is particularly good at breaking down harmful chemicals in the body
Monday, April 25, 2005
Exercise for sciatica from degenerative disc disease: "Lumbar stabilization exercises for sciatica
These dynamic lumbar stabilization exercises often require specific hands-on instruction because they offer much less benefit if done incorrectly, and they tend to be much more difficult than they appear. This type of exercise program is progressive, starting with the easier exercises and advancing to the more difficult exercises once the lower level program is mastered. The most important aspect of using these sciatica exercises is sensing and controlling motion in the spine. Once learned, the body can eventually take over and do this without the level of concentration it takes early on."
These dynamic lumbar stabilization exercises often require specific hands-on instruction because they offer much less benefit if done incorrectly, and they tend to be much more difficult than they appear. This type of exercise program is progressive, starting with the easier exercises and advancing to the more difficult exercises once the lower level program is mastered. The most important aspect of using these sciatica exercises is sensing and controlling motion in the spine. Once learned, the body can eventually take over and do this without the level of concentration it takes early on."
Sunday, April 24, 2005
OCR Document: "Goldberg, C. (1994) The uninterpreted rage protecting the therapeutic alliance in the treatment of a borderline patient Clinical Social Work Journal, 23 (4), 401-416"
Entrez PubMed: "Diagnostic communication between doctors and patients is thought to differ radically between Japan and Western countries. To understand diagnostic disclosure to psychiatric patients, a questionnaire with six case vignettes was sent to practising psychiatrists in Japan (N = 166) and North America (N = 112). While over 90% of both groups would inform patients with affective and anxiety disorders of their diagnoses, only 70% of North Americans and less than 30% of Japanese would similarly inform patients with schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorders. The Japanese preferred alternative was to give a vague alternative diagnosis such as neurasthenia. North Americans would discuss differential diagnoses with the patient instead. Nearly all in both groups would inform the family, but North Americans would do so only with patient consent. For disorders for which there are effective treatments, diagnostic disclosure is common to both cultures; when prognosis is uncertain or the diagnosis is feared, as in schizophrenia, culturally constructed views of patienthood govern disclosure practice"
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Disclosing Borderline Personality Disorder to an Undiagnosed Spouse, by Kathi Stringer: "Identity Expansion
There is a second reason, however that may keep a treater from disclosing a diagnosis. Lets say for example through discussion with the treater it is agreed the client meets the minimum of 5 of the 9 symptoms for Borderline Personality Disorder [1]. Now lets say the client suffers from confusion and is lacking identity. Now we have a troubled client that is relived to meet the newly official diagnostic criteria to open a pathway toward individuality (upgrades to identity). Of course the client is excited to learn more about herself and studies all of the symptoms for a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Through research the client finds there are 4 more symptoms that she has managed to keep �in check� but now realizes she has some latitude, a more extensive range to express her newly discovered identity. It is as though she has received a license to be complete, however maladaptive that may be. The reasoning maybe, �An maladaptive identity is better then no identity at all.� Now we have a treater that is frustrated with the extra symptoms that the client had previously been able to manage. So now what? Lets look at a few other items first and find out what a �disordered� diagnosis amounts too.
does not facilitate treatment to tell
A diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder can provide an identity for those lost in emptiness and therefore may increase the symptoms
There is a second reason, however that may keep a treater from disclosing a diagnosis. Lets say for example through discussion with the treater it is agreed the client meets the minimum of 5 of the 9 symptoms for Borderline Personality Disorder [1]. Now lets say the client suffers from confusion and is lacking identity. Now we have a troubled client that is relived to meet the newly official diagnostic criteria to open a pathway toward individuality (upgrades to identity). Of course the client is excited to learn more about herself and studies all of the symptoms for a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Through research the client finds there are 4 more symptoms that she has managed to keep �in check� but now realizes she has some latitude, a more extensive range to express her newly discovered identity. It is as though she has received a license to be complete, however maladaptive that may be. The reasoning maybe, �An maladaptive identity is better then no identity at all.� Now we have a treater that is frustrated with the extra symptoms that the client had previously been able to manage. So now what? Lets look at a few other items first and find out what a �disordered� diagnosis amounts too.
does not facilitate treatment to tell
A diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder can provide an identity for those lost in emptiness and therefore may increase the symptoms
Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Volume 11(2) March 2005 p 88-96 Boundary Issues and Personality Disorders.: "The concepts of context dependence, power asymmetry, and fiduciary duty as they relate to boundary problems are also discussed. The intrinsic and extrinsic consequences of boundary problems are reviewed. The extrinsic consequences fall into three major categories: civil lawsuits, complaints to the board of registration, and complaints to professional societies. The author then reviews types of boundary issues that arise in relation to histrionic, dependent, antisocial, and borderline personality disorders. Countertransference issues that arise in working with patients with personality disorders are discussed, as well as cultural differences that may affect the perception of boundary problems. The "
fiduciary: Definition and Much More From "fiduciary
Dictionaryfi�du�ci�ar�y (fi-du'she-er'e, -sh?-re, -dyu'-, fi-)
Of or relating to a holding of something in trust for another: a fiduciary heir; a fiduciary contract.
Of or being a trustee or trusteeship.
Held in trust."
Dictionaryfi�du�ci�ar�y (fi-du'she-er'e, -sh?-re, -dyu'-, fi-)
Of or relating to a holding of something in trust for another: a fiduciary heir; a fiduciary contract.
Of or being a trustee or trusteeship.
Held in trust."
Entrez PubMed: " It is my position that transference-countertransference is a phenomenon that exists in every encounter with a child and adolescent patient and includes the full spectrum of emotions and reactions--eager anticipation, dreaded waiting, envy, joy, anger, love, and hate. Working with and through this phenomenon creates a corrective emotional experience for the patient and the opportunity for him or her to mature in a more normative healthy fashion."
Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Journal of Psychiatric Practice, Volume 10(3) May 2004 p 170-176 Disclosure of a Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder.: "Results: The authors discuss the historical precedents for diagnostic disclosure and reasons a clinician may not disclose the diagnosis of BPD to a patient: questions regarding the validity of BPD as a diagnosis, worries about the stigma of the diagnosis being harmful to the patient, and transference/countertransference issues common in the treatment of patients with BPD. The authors cite factors promoting disclosure, such as the ideal of patient autonomy, possibilities for psychoeducation and collaboration with the patient toward more specific and effective therapies, and the increasing availability of diagnostic information available to patients from sources other than their clinicians"
Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Journal of Psychiatric Practice, Volume 10(3) May 2004 p 170-176 Disclosure of a Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder.: "Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a common psychiatric disorder with a prevalence of 1%-2% in the general population. BPD also has the potential to cause significant distress in the lives of patients with BPD and their families. The diagnosis of BPD, however, is often withheld from patients. The purpose of this article is to explore the history of diagnostic disclosure in medicine and psychiatry and then discuss reasons why clinicians may or may not disclose the diagnosis of BPD"
Borderline Personality Disorder: "Linehan theorizes that borderlines are born with an innate biological tendency to react more intensely to lower levels of stress than others and to take longer to recover. They peak 'higher' emotionally on less provocation and take longer coming down. In addition, they were raised in environments in which their beliefs about themselves and their environment were continually devalued and invalidated. These factors combine to create adults who are uncertain of the truth of their own feelings and who are confronted by three basic dialectics they have failed to master (and thus rush frantically from pole to pole of):
vulnerability vs invalidation
active passivity (tendency to be passive when confronted with a problem and actively seek a rescuer) vs apparent competence (appearing to be capable when in reality internally things are falling apart)
unremitting crises vs inhibited grief.
DBT tries to teach clients to balance these by giving them training in skills of mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation."
vulnerability vs invalidation
active passivity (tendency to be passive when confronted with a problem and actively seek a rescuer) vs apparent competence (appearing to be capable when in reality internally things are falling apart)
unremitting crises vs inhibited grief.
DBT tries to teach clients to balance these by giving them training in skills of mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation."
The High Places of Love and Victory cannot be reached by any mental reckoning or by seeking some way or discipline. The only way is by learning to accept, day by day, actual conditions and tests by a continual laying down of our own will and acceptance of the people with whom we live and work and the things which happen to us, ...........paraphrased from a piece by Hanna Hurnard
Gloria (xxkikyos_worldxx) joined the roomSBC Yahoo! DSL
Gloria (xxkikyos_worldxx) joined the roomSBC Yahoo! DSL
SBC Yahoo! DSLI've been tricked by Doctors because they thought it was right. And if it was done by doctors it must be right
Friday, April 22, 2005
SBC Yahoo! DSLGood morning from a 2 day hangover. Going through hell here. Sympathy encouraged. It'd be nice if the fog would lift. Yet there will be hell to pay when it does. Once more I've become a man of extremes. No balance, no center, no me. No train of thought here, Just random revelations. I'm so useless I could cry. I'm not leading anywhere. The only thing I'm working out is a blankness in my head. I'm trapped and alll I got is time. At what point does a hangover become withdrawal? Has part of me still not left the party? Lots of questions, no information to speak of. Guess I'll just keep on keepin' on. It' seither that or go back to the party. Like Harvey Firestein says,"I just want to be loved. Is that so bad?" The question is the best way to go about it.
spoiledbyu20002000 left the room
matthew_thompson45: sentence structure has nothing to do with content if it's not there it's not there
playing_in_the_snakepit_20000: oh well, if I flunk, i COULD always use my exam notes for paper hats
spoiledbyu20002000 left the room
matthew_thompson45: sentence structure has nothing to do with content if it's not there it's not there
playing_in_the_snakepit_20000: oh well, if I flunk, i COULD always use my exam notes for paper hats
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
A: You can identify a borderline by how long he's been in treatment
A: You can identify a borderline by how long he's been in treatment
SBC Yahoo! DSLWhy do I always have the same imaginary conversations over and over again? To work up nerve? To feel the impact of the words, of course. But I have to have words I can't just have feelings. There's no I in me. I have to have the experience of having someone else there.
SBC Yahoo! DSL figured out where those voices comefrom today
rick83montecarlo: huh?
The bruja is back: i have a disc and its not here
rick83montecarlo: oh a photo disc
lady_dark_wings_wild_hair (lady_dark_wings_wild_hair) joined the room
The bruja is back: yeah huh
lady_dark_wings_wild_hair: hey
rick83montecarlo: high
cat: I don't have a voice of my own so I have to use other peoples
rick83montecarlo: redbull gives u wings
rick83montecarlo: huh?
The bruja is back: i have a disc and its not here
rick83montecarlo: oh a photo disc
lady_dark_wings_wild_hair (lady_dark_wings_wild_hair) joined the room
The bruja is back: yeah huh
lady_dark_wings_wild_hair: hey
rick83montecarlo: high
cat: I don't have a voice of my own so I have to use other peoples
rick83montecarlo: redbull gives u wings
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
SBC Yahoo! Search Results for "primary process thinking": "Primary process thinking is the remnants of pre-verbal worldview/experience in verbal form it is the bridge from infantile fantasy and autistic experience to reality or secondary process thinking"
Thursday, April 07, 2005
SBC Yahoo! DSLhey Rhonda
cat00012000: You here?
cat00012000: I guess I should just sit here and amuse myself
cat00012000: Let's see How could I do that?
cat00012000: MMMMMMMMMMM(thiinking)
cat00012000: I know. I'll kill myself
cat00012000: Let's see how could I do it?
cat00012000: I always used to use my perscription to overdose with
cat00012000: Lately I've been experimenting with car exhaust
cat00012000: I hear over in Japan it's real big to light a charcoal grill inside a car. The grill produces CO just like the exhaust
cat00012000: Oh well, I'm really not up for it this morning.
cat00012000: I guess I'll live out the day
cat00012000: Compared to dying it might not be that bad of a day
cat00012000: It sure is lonely in here
cat00012000: If this was a suicide now would anybody see it?
cat00012000: Would anybody care?
cat00012000: Why do I wonder about these things?
cat00012000: They say I have a borderline pesonality
cat00012000: I never individuated as a child and still havenn't to this day.
cat00012000: Of course if you don't as a child it's probably pretty impossible as an adult.
cat00012000: My whole Identity is based on fighting authority
cat00012000: Really I want to kill myself in order to get my parents attention
cat00012000: Kinda wierd , huh??
rhonda_chong_969 left the room
cat00012000: You here?
cat00012000: I guess I should just sit here and amuse myself
cat00012000: Let's see How could I do that?
cat00012000: MMMMMMMMMMM(thiinking)
cat00012000: I know. I'll kill myself
cat00012000: Let's see how could I do it?
cat00012000: I always used to use my perscription to overdose with
cat00012000: Lately I've been experimenting with car exhaust
cat00012000: I hear over in Japan it's real big to light a charcoal grill inside a car. The grill produces CO just like the exhaust
cat00012000: Oh well, I'm really not up for it this morning.
cat00012000: I guess I'll live out the day
cat00012000: Compared to dying it might not be that bad of a day
cat00012000: It sure is lonely in here
cat00012000: If this was a suicide now would anybody see it?
cat00012000: Would anybody care?
cat00012000: Why do I wonder about these things?
cat00012000: They say I have a borderline pesonality
cat00012000: I never individuated as a child and still havenn't to this day.
cat00012000: Of course if you don't as a child it's probably pretty impossible as an adult.
cat00012000: My whole Identity is based on fighting authority
cat00012000: Really I want to kill myself in order to get my parents attention
cat00012000: Kinda wierd , huh??
rhonda_chong_969 left the room
Sunday, April 03, 2005
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- News: "Scientists have begun putting genes from hu...
- Exercise for sciatica from degenerative disc disea...
- OCR Document: "Goldberg, C. (1994) The uninterpret...
- Entrez PubMed: "Diagnostic communication between d...
- Disclosing Borderline Personality Disorder to an U...
- Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Volume...
- fiduciary: Definition and Much More From Answers.c...
- Entrez PubMed: " It is my position that transferen...
- Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Journa...
- Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Journa...
- Borderline Personality Disorder: "Linehan theorize...
- The High Places of Love and Victory cannot be reac...
- SBC Yahoo! DSLI've been tricked by Doctors because...
- SBC Yahoo! DSLGood morning from a 2 day hangover. ...
- SBC Yahoo! DSLWhy do I always have the same imagin...
- SBC Yahoo! DSL figured out where those voices come...
- SBC Yahoo! Search Results for "primary process thi...
- SBC Yahoo! DSLhey Rhonda cat00012000: You here? ca...
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About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not