SBC Yahoo! DSLGood morning from a 2 day hangover. Going through hell here. Sympathy encouraged. It'd be nice if the fog would lift. Yet there will be hell to pay when it does. Once more I've become a man of extremes. No balance, no center, no me. No train of thought here, Just random revelations. I'm so useless I could cry. I'm not leading anywhere. The only thing I'm working out is a blankness in my head. I'm trapped and alll I got is time. At what point does a hangover become withdrawal? Has part of me still not left the party? Lots of questions, no information to speak of. Guess I'll just keep on keepin' on. It' seither that or go back to the party. Like Harvey Firestein says,"I just want to be loved. Is that so bad?" The question is the best way to go about it.
spoiledbyu20002000 left the room
matthew_thompson45: sentence structure has nothing to do with content if it's not there it's not there
playing_in_the_snakepit_20000: oh well, if I flunk, i COULD always use my exam notes for paper hats
Prepare for the Overlords!
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Friday, April 22, 2005
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- News: "Scientists have begun putting genes from hu...
- Exercise for sciatica from degenerative disc disea...
- OCR Document: "Goldberg, C. (1994) The uninterpret...
- Entrez PubMed: "Diagnostic communication between d...
- Disclosing Borderline Personality Disorder to an U...
- Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Volume...
- fiduciary: Definition and Much More From Answers.c...
- Entrez PubMed: " It is my position that transferen...
- Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Journa...
- Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Journa...
- Borderline Personality Disorder: "Linehan theorize...
- The High Places of Love and Victory cannot be reac...
- SBC Yahoo! DSLI've been tricked by Doctors because...
- SBC Yahoo! DSLGood morning from a 2 day hangover. ...
- SBC Yahoo! DSLWhy do I always have the same imagin...
- SBC Yahoo! DSL figured out where those voices come...
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About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not