SBC Yahoo! DSL figured out where those voices comefrom today
rick83montecarlo: huh?
The bruja is back: i have a disc and its not here
rick83montecarlo: oh a photo disc
lady_dark_wings_wild_hair (lady_dark_wings_wild_hair) joined the room
The bruja is back: yeah huh
lady_dark_wings_wild_hair: hey
rick83montecarlo: high
cat: I don't have a voice of my own so I have to use other peoples
rick83montecarlo: redbull gives u wings
Prepare for the Overlords!
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
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- Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Volume...
- fiduciary: Definition and Much More From Answers.c...
- Entrez PubMed: " It is my position that transferen...
- Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Journa...
- Journal of Psychiatric Practice - Abstract: Journa...
- Borderline Personality Disorder: "Linehan theorize...
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- SBC Yahoo! DSLI've been tricked by Doctors because...
- SBC Yahoo! DSLGood morning from a 2 day hangover. ...
- SBC Yahoo! DSLWhy do I always have the same imagin...
- SBC Yahoo! DSL figured out where those voices come...
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About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not