Wired 13.12: Who's Afraid of Google? Everyone.: "It seems no one is safe: Google is doing Wi-Fi; Google is searching inside books; Google has a plan for ecommerce.
Of course, Google has always wanted to be more than a search engine. Even in the early days, its ultimate goal was extravagant: to organize the world's information. High-minded as that sounds, Google's ever-expanding agenda has put it on a collision course with nearly every company in the information technology industry: Amazon.com, Comcast, eBay, Yahoo!, even Microsoft"
Prepare for the Overlords!
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
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- INSIDE JoongAng Daily: "Putting the ��liberal' in ...
- INSIDE JoongAng Daily: "Department of Butt-whoopin...
- Drug Smuggler Crowned Miss Penitentiary - Yahoo! N...
- Wired 13.12: Who's Afraid of Google? Everyone.: "I...
- AP Wire | 11/22/2005 | Bonita Springs man accident...
- Conscious Machines Will Fill The Universe: "Go out...
- The Smirking Chimp: "Rep. John Murtha, the decorat...
- Conscious Machines Will Fill The Universe: "In the...
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- A low-cost laptop for every child - Yahoo! News: "...
- 'The Matrix' is a step closer to reality; Neurosci...
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About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not