Instant Millions Can't Halt Winners' Grim Slide - New York Times: "In 2003, just three years after cashing in his winning ticket, Mr. Metcalf died of complications relating to alcoholism at the age of 45. Then on the day before Thanksgiving, Ms. Merida's partly decomposed body was found in her bed. Authorities said they have found no evidence of foul play and are looking into the possibility of a drug overdose. She was 51.
Ms. Merida's death remains under investigation, and large parts of both her and Mr. Metcalf's lives remain wrapped in mystery. But some of their friends and relatives said they thought the moral of their stories was clear.
'Any problems people have, money magnifies it so much, it's unbelievable,' said Robert Merida, one of Ms. Merida's three brothers.
Mr. Metcalf's first wife, Marilyn Collins, said: 'If he hadn't won, he would have worked like regular people and maybe had 20 years left. But when you put that kind of money in the hands of somebody with problems, it just helps them kill themselves.'"
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Monday, December 05, 2005
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- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not