Open Directory - Computers: Robotics: "A comprehensive collection of content, community, and tools available on the subject of Mobile Robotics.
AceUplink - Offers information, forums, tutorials and downloads. Includes a wide range of content, but with a particular bias towards robotic simulation games.
Android World - Lots of information on androids and specific android projects. - Pictures, movies and information about animatronics. Includes information on the mechanics, electronics, and programming of modern animtronic systems.
BBC Robot World - Offers news, reviews and history of robots, as well as robot building guides and a discussion forum.
Boilerplate - A Victorian-era robot, his story and pictures. A 1/6 scale replica stands over 12' high and has articulated limbs, illuminating 'eyes,' and wind-up 'guts'. Very interesting.
Channel 4 - Robots - The tie-in page to the Royal Institution Christmas lectures, shown on Channel 4 in the UK. Includes a virtual robot constructor, where you can design and test a robot visually.
CompInfo - Robotics - A huge directory of robotics sites.
Cybug-Space - Educational products including digital logic trainers and insect-like robots.
Georgia Tech MARS - The Georgia Tech branch of MARS involves multi-level learning in hybrid deliberative/reactive mobile robot architectural software systems.
The Handy Board - 6811-based microcontroller system that lets you build mobile robots for educational, hobbyist, and industrial purposes. Used to run robot design courses and competitions at the university and high school level.
The Honda Humanoid Robot - Information about Honda's Humanoid Robot.
How Stuff Works - The Singing Fish - Photographed autopsy of the popular singing fish novelty fad reveals its robotic-like subsystems with complete informative descrip"
Prepare for the Overlords!
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Sunday, August 10, 2003
Blog Archive
- Open Directory - Computers: Robotics: "A comprehen...
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- Daily Kos: Political analysis and other daily rant...
- Bush Misuses Science, Report Says (washingtonpost....
- Liberal legal elite plans comeback: "She also said...
- Despair of the Jobless: "'since the business cycle...
- Salt of the Earth: "Here's Senator James Inhofe of...
- Yahoo! News - Antidepressants Grow New Brain Cells...
- Yahoo! News - Debate Resumes on the Safety of Depr...
- Well I wanted to start a project at, bu...
- Create a new account I first became interested in...
- Entropy Gradient Reversals - The Rise of the Stupi...
- || The rise of Stupid Everything: "If...
- - Santa Fe lawbreakers sentenced to tai ch...
- The 43 Facial Muscles That Reveal: "Q. What are th...
- The Probability That a Real-Estate Agent Is Cheati...
- Everything Is Political: " agency's analysts find ...
- Creativity as an Ingredient of Madness: "'Follow a...
- Neocon Coup at the Department d'État: "7.) Ignore ...
- Slashdot | Will Humanoid Robots Take All the Jobs ...
- Wired News: How Robots Will Steal Your Job: "But m...
- Robotic Nation, by Marshall Brain: "When a signifi...
- Persuaders or Partisans ( "As ...
- Daily Kos: Political analysis and other daily rant...
- The Corner on National Review Online: "Partnership...
- TAPPED: August 2003 Archives: "Maybe one of Lieber...
- : Thousands Enslaved by Ireland's Cath...
- : Thieves Carry Off Man's Dream House:...
- : Fighting Cancer With Companionship: ...
- Edward Said: Imperial Arrogance and the Vile Stere...
- Lisa Walsh Thomas: Killing Mustafa Hussein: "after...
- Circuit design evolving in distributed digital wor...
- all primary staff work was conducted by political ...
- Tristero: "'I want my country back...I'm tired of ...
- Wired News: Bush Impeached? Wanna Bet?: "•Which co...
- that was when Argentina went wrong, missing a cruc...
- "The moral tension in politics is to have an openn...
- the public is now split on whether to continue in ...
- "The DLC and even Lieberman would probably be best...
- Disdain for Bush Simmers in Democratic Strongholds...
- common psychological factors linked to political c...
- The Middle East Cease-Fire Feels Ephemeral: " Ther...
- Homes Where Sex Offenders Are Able to Police Each ...
- another lesson can be derived from the images. "I ...
- Saddam remained convinced that an ambiguous stance...
- Yahoo! News - Antidepressants May Protect Brain fr...
- But Gill Sperlein, the company's general counsel, ...
- Report on 9/11 Suggests a Role by Saudi Spies: "Th...
- "These folks don't want to govern," Mr. Barrientos...
- Months Before Debut, Movie on Death of Jesus Cause...
- At one point, Judge took some nearby newspapers an...
- Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | New Law for Is...
- Campaign Klatsch ( "the mechan...
- U.S. Shifts Rhetoric On Its Goals in Iraq (washing...
About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not