Prepare for the Overlords!
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Saturday, August 02, 2003
Blog Archive
- Open Directory - Computers: Robotics: "A comprehen...
- David Limbaugh: Liberals in denial: " Because cons...
- | Home Page: "The vehicle of...
- Dean tapped into pure hatred by rank-and-file Demo...
- Web surfing could get 'disorder' classification - ...
- Daily Kos: Political analysis and other daily rant...
- Bush Misuses Science, Report Says (washingtonpost....
- Liberal legal elite plans comeback: "She also said...
- Despair of the Jobless: "'since the business cycle...
- Salt of the Earth: "Here's Senator James Inhofe of...
- Yahoo! News - Antidepressants Grow New Brain Cells...
- Yahoo! News - Debate Resumes on the Safety of Depr...
- Well I wanted to start a project at, bu...
- Create a new account I first became interested in...
- Entropy Gradient Reversals - The Rise of the Stupi...
- || The rise of Stupid Everything: "If...
- - Santa Fe lawbreakers sentenced to tai ch...
- The 43 Facial Muscles That Reveal: "Q. What are th...
- The Probability That a Real-Estate Agent Is Cheati...
- Everything Is Political: " agency's analysts find ...
- Creativity as an Ingredient of Madness: "'Follow a...
- Neocon Coup at the Department d'État: "7.) Ignore ...
- Slashdot | Will Humanoid Robots Take All the Jobs ...
- Wired News: How Robots Will Steal Your Job: "But m...
- Robotic Nation, by Marshall Brain: "When a signifi...
- Persuaders or Partisans ( "As ...
- Daily Kos: Political analysis and other daily rant...
- The Corner on National Review Online: "Partnership...
- TAPPED: August 2003 Archives: "Maybe one of Lieber...
- : Thousands Enslaved by Ireland's Cath...
- : Thieves Carry Off Man's Dream House:...
- : Fighting Cancer With Companionship: ...
- Edward Said: Imperial Arrogance and the Vile Stere...
- Lisa Walsh Thomas: Killing Mustafa Hussein: "after...
- Circuit design evolving in distributed digital wor...
- all primary staff work was conducted by political ...
- Tristero: "'I want my country back...I'm tired of ...
- Wired News: Bush Impeached? Wanna Bet?: "•Which co...
- that was when Argentina went wrong, missing a cruc...
- "The moral tension in politics is to have an openn...
- the public is now split on whether to continue in ...
- "The DLC and even Lieberman would probably be best...
- Disdain for Bush Simmers in Democratic Strongholds...
- common psychological factors linked to political c...
- The Middle East Cease-Fire Feels Ephemeral: " Ther...
- Homes Where Sex Offenders Are Able to Police Each ...
- another lesson can be derived from the images. "I ...
- Saddam remained convinced that an ambiguous stance...
- Yahoo! News - Antidepressants May Protect Brain fr...
- But Gill Sperlein, the company's general counsel, ...
- Report on 9/11 Suggests a Role by Saudi Spies: "Th...
- "These folks don't want to govern," Mr. Barrientos...
- Months Before Debut, Movie on Death of Jesus Cause...
- At one point, Judge took some nearby newspapers an...
- Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | New Law for Is...
- Campaign Klatsch ( "the mechan...
- U.S. Shifts Rhetoric On Its Goals in Iraq (washing...
About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not