Prepare for the Overlords!
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Yahoo! Groups : bpd-supportgroup Messages : Message 1145 of 1146: "Jewel, I think we can all relate to what you are saying. This is a hard way to live. We have all had our ups and downs. Today I feel great - first time in months. I want to get out of therapy and off meds and take over the world. But I know that's not real. Tomorrow may not be great, and I may do something stupid. That's just reality. Everyday is a battle here. I know that I deal with alcohol problems, self-injury, and bad relationships. I have days when I can't get out of bed and times when I think of suicide. It's true. But this is also the only life we have, which is why I think we're part of this group - because we want to make the most of it and getting support helps. Hang in there, Miranda"
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- Top 25 Most E-Mailed Articles From the New York Ti...
- Mike's Link Blog - Very Scary Shit About John Ashc...
- Suburban Guerrilla: "The UCS report describes seve...
- - Table of Contents page: "The Boston G...
- TAPPED: "BUSH'S BLUNDER. James Webb, secretary of ...
- Psychoanalysis Is Dead ... So How Does That Make Y...
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- Media Whores Online: "During Thursday's Rush Limba...
- Media Whores Online: "Mrs. Howard Kurtz: McCain N...
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- The Art of Camouflage - David Kay comes clean, alm...
- Right in the Teeth ( "The issu...
- Call Me a Bush-Hater | Molly Ivins | November 2003...
- TAPPED: "The U.S. Attorney's Office confirms that ...
- : "Ritter, too, took serious punishment from his c...
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- Los Angeles Times: Bush Family Values: War, Wealth...
- the bitter shack of resentment: "Just one day afte...
- Moore's Lore: new technology. Computing, connectiv...
- The Coming Search Wars: "As a result, Google now h...
- Intelligence: Powell�s Case, a Year Later: Gaps in...
- The New York Times: Thomas L. Friedman (Forum/Mess...
- Op-ed Columnist: Budgets of Mass Destruction: "t s...
- Yahoo! Groups : bpd-supportgroup Post Message: "To...
About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not