Fudan-1 mind-developing robot - Robots - robots.engadget.com: "Fudan-1 mind-developing robot
Posted Sep 26, 2005, 6:29 AM ET by Paul Miller
Related entries: Robots
Unveiled in Shanghai this week, the Fudan-1 is a conversational robot who likes to hang out with his pals at Fudan University and learn how to be an all around likeable fellow. The robot learns through the touch, voice and gestures of his teacher. We just hope he�s not picking up any of that nasty Chinese slang that�s going around these days � it seems like such a nice robot. He isn�t much in the bipedal department, though according to People�s Daily �a technician controls Fudan-1 while it walks by itself.� Funny, �cause the last time we strapped wheels to our feet, people started to claim that we were rolling about. When will they learn?"
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Monday, September 26, 2005
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- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not