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Thursday, November 06, 2003
New Scientist: "To date there has only been one recorded roboticide. In 1981, Japanese factory worker Kenji Urada was killed by a robot in a manufacturing plant. Urada had climbed into the robot's operating zone to fix something when he accidentally switched the robot back on. The hydraulic robot failed to sense Urada and crushed him as it carried on with its tasks"
Blog Archive
- New Scientist: "It says it can turn ordinary blood...
- Resources: Oil Experts See Long-Term Risks to Iraq...
- Op-Ed Columnist: The Good News: "Now we know that ...
- Op-Ed Contributor: Telling the Truth, Facing the W...
- As Obesity Rises, Health Care Indignities Multiply...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Name That War: "'Operation Gee Wh...
- Coerced or Not, Palestinians Who Assist Israel Fac...
- Drug Industry Seeks to Sway Prices Overseas: "The ...
- The Register: "the extraordinary history of the In...
- The Atlantic | December 2003 | The Bubble of Ameri...
- Wired News: Congress Expands FBI Spying Power: " s...
- Wired 11.12: The Key to Genius: "Geneticists are s...
- New Scientist: "The first walking robot capable of...
- Gazbot Website: "At GazbotTM, we offer a number of...
- Drug Makers Move Closer to Big Victory: "more than...
- Op-Ed Columnist: The Uncivil War: "There's no nice...
- / World / Europe: " if the extremists can s...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Scaring Up Votes: "Before the pre...
- Love in the Time of No Time: "When Brooklynboy met...
- / News / Boston Globe / Editorial / Opi...
- Twilight of the PC Era? ( "As person...
- Bush's Remark About God Assailed (washingtonpost.c...
- TAPPED: "To me, what's consistently stunning about...
- TAP: Web Feature: Partisan Paradox. by Matthew Ygl...
- Attack Geography ( "Wherever a...
- Economic Scene: Which Party in the White House Mea...
- G.O.P. to Run an Ad for Bush on Terror Issue: "'So...
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Gun lobby h...
- Suburban Guerrilla: "Ask her what it's like to hav...
- Lynching Comparison Furthers Divisiveness (washing...
- The New Republic Online: Outside In: "In fact, it'...
- Who�s Smoking Now?: "With the new High Times we're...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Wanted: Fanatical Moderates: "ext...
- Frank Rich: Angels, Reagan and AIDS in America: "o...
- �Foolish and Insincere�: "Britons believe Bush is ...
- Judicial Fight: " Conservatives are angry about th...
- :: Post a new topic: "Hi, Feelin...
- Borderline Personality Disorder: "The defining cri...
- A Gabfest for Naught? ( "Fox N...
- Borderline Personality Disorder: "The child thus n...
- Internet Mental Health: "Mental Illness Ranks Firs...
- Eating Disorder Recovery Center - Your internet si...
- Senate Filibuster Ends With Talk of Next Stage in ...
- Nicholas D. Kristof (Moderated) infomaniac8 - 01...
- TAPPED: "What the heck did Tony Blair think he was...
- TAPPED: "the New New Thing on the right is denying...
- Forums - Nader Blasts Democrats As 'Whiners': "For...
- Yahoo! News - Hanging Corpse Admired as Sculpture ...
- Ex-Security Chiefs in Israel Push for Truce: " Fou...
- State of the Art: Swiss Army Recorder: TiVo/DVD: "...
- Editorial Observer: Accounting for the Invisible C...
- G.O.P. Leader Solicits Money for Charity Tied to C...
- EE Times UK - Makimoto links IC future to next-gen...
- EE Times UK - Makimoto links IC future to next-gen...
- AD.COM - Welcome to Artificial Development: "Artif...
- "1995 Toyota Camry LE sunro...
- AlterNet: The Professor Takes the Gloves Off: "If ...
- Yahoo! News - WHY WE FIGHT: "There can be no norma...
- Government Outgrows Cap Set by President (washingt...
- United Press International: Analysis: GOP blinks i...
- New Scientist: "US crackdown on bioterror is backf...
- New Scientist: " The ships are the first if 13 age...
- Irreconcilable Musings: Bush-hatred as mental illn...
- Power Line: A footnote on the ethos of liberal hat...
- The New Republic Online: Mad About You: "It's cert...
- Their Master’s Voice: "This week's Newsweek cover ...
- artificial versus fake consciousness, posted 12 No...
- To Hell With Sympathy -- Nov. 17, 2003: ...
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | US billiona...
- The Associated Press: " the United Nations said on...
- Unhappy in Class, More Are Learning at Home: "Newc...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Support the Troops: "Yesterday's ...
- GI Kills Head of Council in Baghdad Slum (washingt...
- Newsweek Front Page 9:11 AM ET Sunday, November 09...
- Bush’s Really Good Idea: "Sometimes I think that p...
- TAPPED: "Almost three years of poor performance ha...
- And if you look at these tax cuts, they got a good...
- Silly word games and weapons of mass destruction=T...
- The Observer | International | Bush says God chose...
- The Observer | International | Americans sow seeds...
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Depressed, ...
- The Register: "Well, although it costs nothing for...
- Yahoo! News - Rich Colleges Receiving Richest Shar...
- units have alternately tried large-scale raids, se...
- Typically, about 13,500 students make it to the ei...
- Op-Ed Columnist: The Chicago Way: "Dick Cheney tho...
- Op-Ed Columnist: The Humiliation Factor: " If I've...
- Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: Nov...
- The first patent battle occurred when Mauchly and ...
- Savage Cruel Bigots - Fair and Balanced: "Dick Che...
- Savage Cruel Bigots - Fair and Balanced: "Here's s...
- Free Rush Limbaugh!: "Limbaugh was an equal-opport...
- a majority probably believe that Israel is much mo...
- What he meant by his flag remark was that Democrat...
- New Scientist: "Swarm intelligence describes the w...
- New Scientist: "To date there has only been one re...
- you have to go back more than 100 years to find an...
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Why America...
- Yahoo! News - Arabs Celebrate Strikes on U.S. in I...
- Questions for Noam Chomsky: The Professorial Provo...
About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not