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Monday, November 03, 2003
Yahoo! News - Arabs Celebrate Strikes on U.S. in Iraq: "Every citizen who lives in Iraq, be they Baathist or anti-Baathist, whether they support or oppose Saddam, will stand up and shout at the top of his lungs: `We will chase the Americans and their followers until they leave our home ashamed and defeated.'' "
Blog Archive
- New Scientist: "It says it can turn ordinary blood...
- Resources: Oil Experts See Long-Term Risks to Iraq...
- Op-Ed Columnist: The Good News: "Now we know that ...
- Op-Ed Contributor: Telling the Truth, Facing the W...
- As Obesity Rises, Health Care Indignities Multiply...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Name That War: "'Operation Gee Wh...
- Coerced or Not, Palestinians Who Assist Israel Fac...
- Drug Industry Seeks to Sway Prices Overseas: "The ...
- The Register: "the extraordinary history of the In...
- The Atlantic | December 2003 | The Bubble of Ameri...
- Wired News: Congress Expands FBI Spying Power: " s...
- Wired 11.12: The Key to Genius: "Geneticists are s...
- New Scientist: "The first walking robot capable of...
- Gazbot Website: "At GazbotTM, we offer a number of...
- Drug Makers Move Closer to Big Victory: "more than...
- Op-Ed Columnist: The Uncivil War: "There's no nice...
- / World / Europe: " if the extremists can s...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Scaring Up Votes: "Before the pre...
- Love in the Time of No Time: "When Brooklynboy met...
- / News / Boston Globe / Editorial / Opi...
- Twilight of the PC Era? ( "As person...
- Bush's Remark About God Assailed (washingtonpost.c...
- TAPPED: "To me, what's consistently stunning about...
- TAP: Web Feature: Partisan Paradox. by Matthew Ygl...
- Attack Geography ( "Wherever a...
- Economic Scene: Which Party in the White House Mea...
- G.O.P. to Run an Ad for Bush on Terror Issue: "'So...
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Gun lobby h...
- Suburban Guerrilla: "Ask her what it's like to hav...
- Lynching Comparison Furthers Divisiveness (washing...
- The New Republic Online: Outside In: "In fact, it'...
- Who�s Smoking Now?: "With the new High Times we're...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Wanted: Fanatical Moderates: "ext...
- Frank Rich: Angels, Reagan and AIDS in America: "o...
- �Foolish and Insincere�: "Britons believe Bush is ...
- Judicial Fight: " Conservatives are angry about th...
- :: Post a new topic: "Hi, Feelin...
- Borderline Personality Disorder: "The defining cri...
- A Gabfest for Naught? ( "Fox N...
- Borderline Personality Disorder: "The child thus n...
- Internet Mental Health: "Mental Illness Ranks Firs...
- Eating Disorder Recovery Center - Your internet si...
- Senate Filibuster Ends With Talk of Next Stage in ...
- Nicholas D. Kristof (Moderated) infomaniac8 - 01...
- TAPPED: "What the heck did Tony Blair think he was...
- TAPPED: "the New New Thing on the right is denying...
- Forums - Nader Blasts Democrats As 'Whiners': "For...
- Yahoo! News - Hanging Corpse Admired as Sculpture ...
- Ex-Security Chiefs in Israel Push for Truce: " Fou...
- State of the Art: Swiss Army Recorder: TiVo/DVD: "...
- Editorial Observer: Accounting for the Invisible C...
- G.O.P. Leader Solicits Money for Charity Tied to C...
- EE Times UK - Makimoto links IC future to next-gen...
- EE Times UK - Makimoto links IC future to next-gen...
- AD.COM - Welcome to Artificial Development: "Artif...
- "1995 Toyota Camry LE sunro...
- AlterNet: The Professor Takes the Gloves Off: "If ...
- Yahoo! News - WHY WE FIGHT: "There can be no norma...
- Government Outgrows Cap Set by President (washingt...
- United Press International: Analysis: GOP blinks i...
- New Scientist: "US crackdown on bioterror is backf...
- New Scientist: " The ships are the first if 13 age...
- Irreconcilable Musings: Bush-hatred as mental illn...
- Power Line: A footnote on the ethos of liberal hat...
- The New Republic Online: Mad About You: "It's cert...
- Their Master’s Voice: "This week's Newsweek cover ...
- artificial versus fake consciousness, posted 12 No...
- To Hell With Sympathy -- Nov. 17, 2003: ...
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | US billiona...
- The Associated Press: " the United Nations said on...
- Unhappy in Class, More Are Learning at Home: "Newc...
- Op-Ed Columnist: Support the Troops: "Yesterday's ...
- GI Kills Head of Council in Baghdad Slum (washingt...
- Newsweek Front Page 9:11 AM ET Sunday, November 09...
- Bush’s Really Good Idea: "Sometimes I think that p...
- TAPPED: "Almost three years of poor performance ha...
- And if you look at these tax cuts, they got a good...
- Silly word games and weapons of mass destruction=T...
- The Observer | International | Bush says God chose...
- The Observer | International | Americans sow seeds...
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Depressed, ...
- The Register: "Well, although it costs nothing for...
- Yahoo! News - Rich Colleges Receiving Richest Shar...
- units have alternately tried large-scale raids, se...
- Typically, about 13,500 students make it to the ei...
- Op-Ed Columnist: The Chicago Way: "Dick Cheney tho...
- Op-Ed Columnist: The Humiliation Factor: " If I've...
- Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: Nov...
- The first patent battle occurred when Mauchly and ...
- Savage Cruel Bigots - Fair and Balanced: "Dick Che...
- Savage Cruel Bigots - Fair and Balanced: "Here's s...
- Free Rush Limbaugh!: "Limbaugh was an equal-opport...
- a majority probably believe that Israel is much mo...
- What he meant by his flag remark was that Democrat...
- New Scientist: "Swarm intelligence describes the w...
- New Scientist: "To date there has only been one re...
- you have to go back more than 100 years to find an...
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Why America...
- Yahoo! News - Arabs Celebrate Strikes on U.S. in I...
- Questions for Noam Chomsky: The Professorial Provo...
About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not