Prepare for the Overlords!

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Sunday, November 16, 2003

Suburban Guerrilla: "Ask her what it's like to have sex with Matt Drudge.

�try acting like an overzealous neocon:
'Ann, I hate liberals. What is the best way to fight the liberal propaganda machine? Should I kill abortion doctors? 'Cause I would really like to do that.'

Ask her if she intends to sue the website with pictures of her nude in the near future.

Ask her if she likes cocktails, of the Molotov variety.

Ask her WTF she was doing being invited to speak at a Boy Scout rally, and whether it's true they're changing the name of the organization to Das Hitlerjugend.

How's that hormone therapy coming, and did you keep your penis?

Ask her what her new weight loss plan is since Limbaugh got busted.

'Ann, speaking as one guy to another, what's with the dress?'

Ask her if she's ever smoked pot. When she says no, remark 'that explains an awful lot.'

'Hi Ann. I'm majoring in Corrective Fact-Checking. I was worried about getting a job after I graduate, but my friends and I just wanted to say, Thanks.'

....'Which liberal American historical figure face would you most like to asphyxiate during sex?'

'Did you used to be a dude? It's okay, you can tell me. I'm open minded.'

Ms Coulter, I strongly believe that you are what is wrong with America today. America was founded on the principles of tolerance and intelligent discourse. You demand people suffer extreme punishment for holding views that are different than yours. The only difference between islamic fundamentalists and you is that they misquote the Koran, and you misquote the Bible. So when are you going to put down the bludgeon and talk like a grown up?

My favorite:

Don't say anything and just line up the crosshairs.


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eureka, California, United States
As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not