Gov. Davis Comes Out Fighting In Round 2 of Recall Campaign ( " Now, he is warning that California could soon be 'hijacked' by radical right-wingers. 'This election is not about changing governors, it's about changing direction,' Davis said at an anti-recall rally in San Francisco this past weekend. 'We want to go forward. They want to go backward.'"
the first governor in the country to be kicked out of office by a recall in more than 80 years. He has to keep other Democrats from jumping into a special election, demonize his political opponents, and convince voters frustrated with his handling of the budget crisis -- he tripled taxes on vehicles last month -- that California would slide into worse shape without him.
Then the economy soured and the state's energy crisis struck, causing blackouts. Davis was widely criticized for reacting to it slowly and indecisively. Voters, who have never shown much personal affection for him, were furious
Prepare for the Overlords!
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Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Blog Archive
- US leaders now see themselves as priests of a divi...
- BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | London ladybirds top s...
- "How can we prepare ourselves for such unpredictab...
- The project represents the team's effort to create...
- "What it's good at is spotting changes over time,"...
- BBC NEWS | Business | US calls time on Iraq mobile...
- BBC NEWS | Middle East | Palestinian anger over fe...
- BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran points to journalist...
- Leahy appeared at a news conference with religious...
- To put it another way, hypocrisy is our way of ack...
- Yahoo! News Message Boards Technology News: "NEW Y...
- Mr. Wolfowitz's using 9/11 to push regime change i...
- BBC NEWS | Health | Unlocking the brain's secrets:...
- You Say Tomato: "Another answer may be that in mod...
- Richard Clarke, then the top White House official ...
- "The FBI … did not inform policymakers of the exte...
- FireWire portscosts only $1024, a great price for ...
- Michael Rogers: Practical Futurist: "FasTrak toll ...
- There’s a scary lesson in these contests between t...
- animals that appear to express emotions are merely...
- early growth spurt is followed by several years of...
- we, the government, can protect you from the guerr...
- Both the Net and Linux were created, grew and flou...
- BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Artist seeks internet-...
- BBC NEWS | Health | Brain machine 'improves musici...
- Wired News: Web Cliques Too Cool for School: "cliq...
- Why Ask Why?: " we all are motivated for survival ...
- 07.22.2003 - Researchers help define what makes a ...
- Wheelchair moves at the speed of thought 10:...
- The Smirking Chimp: "1 of 1. CC1 | Member 8093...
- Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News: " federa...
- The Smirking Chimp: "Re: Computer voting is open t...
- Gov. Davis Comes Out Fighting In Round 2 of Recall...
- Robot Store (HK) -- Mechanical Parts, motor driver...
- Major Change in Mental Health Care Is Urged: "I th...
- Bill to Ease Imports of Less Expensive Drugs Gains...
- Well, I seem to be having a hard time. I knew that...
- Relief for Eyes Irritated by Computer Use (1 of 2)...
- Houston's School Dropout Debacle: "It turns out th...
- NEW ORLEANS, LA — Dame Anita Roddick, founder of T...
- Green Bay Press-Gazette - Tired eyes? You might ha...
- Arthur I. Blaustein is a professor of economic and...
- TAP: Web Feature: Inconvenient Facts. by Harold Me...
- Why Liberals Are No Fun: "is the problem that they...
- Liberal Signs of Life: "Report on dissension about...
- Recall forces told how to 'trash' governor / Consu...
- Untitled: "'Never before in my 40 years of experie...
- On "class warfare": "As David Brooks put it in a N...
- Well I'm back. I am going to try some more.
- img src='
- img src='
- "img s...
- Blogger FAQ blog: "img src='
- Blogger FAQ blog: "." Now thi...
- Yahoo! Photos - View Photo: "For quick access, boo...
- Results...: "Threat rating: Medium. Your total lac...
- Control 21 servos from your PC: "The OOPic, is a f...
- features like Share a Model, allowing you to share...
- Good morning. I've been thinking about my research...
- Virus causes mental illness symptoms in mice ...
- Pattern of Corruption: "'Plans for Iraq Attack Beg...
- New Scientist: "Paediatricians routinely measure t...
- - News - Metallica Sue Canadian Band over ...
- The Smirking Chimp: "if Vietnam was the place wher...
- The Smirking Chimp: " 'This Administration has had...
- The SSC3 Stepper Motor Control System: "An SSC3 sy...
- The Smirking Chimp: "Apparently, the Bush and Blai...
- ...Or More Lies From The Usual Suspects? (washingt...
- Well yesterday was pretty much of a bust. I wonder...
- Saw the episode of Seinfeld last night where Krame...
- HOME Advanced Micro Systems motion control drivers...
- This is a great site for a battle bot controller....
- Toshiba SR7000 Robot Controller Another site...
- Orocos (Open RObot COntrol Software): "Goals of th...
- coordination of research, teaching and education, ...
- < Built-in power drivers for two motors Connects ...
- Using C-52 EVB for simple robot experiments ...
- IFI Robotics - Isaac32 Robot ControllerOk here's t...
- Well, another day is about to start. The question ...
- The Smirking Chimp: "I recall watching the tape of...
- The Smirking Chimp: "If a sitting president can wi...
- The Smirking Chimp: "It mattered when Clinton lied...
- The Smirking Chimp: "A page on the White House's o...
- European Welfare Farmers: "Yet the rich world's re...
- The Smirking Chimp: "Senate Intelligence Chair Pat...
- Harry Potter and the Internet Pirates: "'What is u...
- The WiFi Solution ( " Intel wants to...
- Palestinian Militants Reject Call To Disarm (washi...
- Liberia Not Another Somalia, Citizens Stress (wash...
- Race Divides Hispanics, Report Says (washingtonpos...
- Maybe I need to use italics to separate what I wri...
- Good morning Blogsphere! Another week, another in...
- This looks to be an excellent dealRobot Products I...
- Here's a robot controller being resold. Any bets ...
- The first robot controller I've found outside of t...
- I'll be keeping my eye out on this one:OverviewDAR...
- another!Get Your Motor Running
- What do you know? A useful technology article! Giv...
- Is this right?Patent for Ethical Artificial Intell...
About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not