This looks to be an excellent dealRobot Products
Item Dual 5A/channel Antweight ESC R/C Controller Price
ANT100-01 ANT 100 bare board (no connectors) $49.95
ANT100-02 ANT 100 with servo leads, screw terminals and jumper block $59.95
Item uR/C Robot Controller 2.0 Advanced R/C Controller Price
uRRC-20 uRRC 2.0 Assembled & tested $89.95
Item uR/C Robot Controller 1.0 (aka uMOB) Price
uRRC-01 uRRC Bare board $9 Out of stock
uRRC-02 uRRC Programmed CPU (OSMC) $6
Prepare for the Overlords!
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Sunday, July 13, 2003
Blog Archive
- US leaders now see themselves as priests of a divi...
- BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | London ladybirds top s...
- "How can we prepare ourselves for such unpredictab...
- The project represents the team's effort to create...
- "What it's good at is spotting changes over time,"...
- BBC NEWS | Business | US calls time on Iraq mobile...
- BBC NEWS | Middle East | Palestinian anger over fe...
- BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran points to journalist...
- Leahy appeared at a news conference with religious...
- To put it another way, hypocrisy is our way of ack...
- Yahoo! News Message Boards Technology News: "NEW Y...
- Mr. Wolfowitz's using 9/11 to push regime change i...
- BBC NEWS | Health | Unlocking the brain's secrets:...
- You Say Tomato: "Another answer may be that in mod...
- Richard Clarke, then the top White House official ...
- "The FBI … did not inform policymakers of the exte...
- FireWire portscosts only $1024, a great price for ...
- Michael Rogers: Practical Futurist: "FasTrak toll ...
- There’s a scary lesson in these contests between t...
- animals that appear to express emotions are merely...
- early growth spurt is followed by several years of...
- we, the government, can protect you from the guerr...
- Both the Net and Linux were created, grew and flou...
- BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Artist seeks internet-...
- BBC NEWS | Health | Brain machine 'improves musici...
- Wired News: Web Cliques Too Cool for School: "cliq...
- Why Ask Why?: " we all are motivated for survival ...
- 07.22.2003 - Researchers help define what makes a ...
- Wheelchair moves at the speed of thought 10:...
- The Smirking Chimp: "1 of 1. CC1 | Member 8093...
- Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News: " federa...
- The Smirking Chimp: "Re: Computer voting is open t...
- Gov. Davis Comes Out Fighting In Round 2 of Recall...
- Robot Store (HK) -- Mechanical Parts, motor driver...
- Major Change in Mental Health Care Is Urged: "I th...
- Bill to Ease Imports of Less Expensive Drugs Gains...
- Well, I seem to be having a hard time. I knew that...
- Relief for Eyes Irritated by Computer Use (1 of 2)...
- Houston's School Dropout Debacle: "It turns out th...
- NEW ORLEANS, LA — Dame Anita Roddick, founder of T...
- Green Bay Press-Gazette - Tired eyes? You might ha...
- Arthur I. Blaustein is a professor of economic and...
- TAP: Web Feature: Inconvenient Facts. by Harold Me...
- Why Liberals Are No Fun: "is the problem that they...
- Liberal Signs of Life: "Report on dissension about...
- Recall forces told how to 'trash' governor / Consu...
- Untitled: "'Never before in my 40 years of experie...
- On "class warfare": "As David Brooks put it in a N...
- Well I'm back. I am going to try some more.
- img src='
- img src='
- "img s...
- Blogger FAQ blog: "img src='
- Blogger FAQ blog: "." Now thi...
- Yahoo! Photos - View Photo: "For quick access, boo...
- Results...: "Threat rating: Medium. Your total lac...
- Control 21 servos from your PC: "The OOPic, is a f...
- features like Share a Model, allowing you to share...
- Good morning. I've been thinking about my research...
- Virus causes mental illness symptoms in mice ...
- Pattern of Corruption: "'Plans for Iraq Attack Beg...
- New Scientist: "Paediatricians routinely measure t...
- - News - Metallica Sue Canadian Band over ...
- The Smirking Chimp: "if Vietnam was the place wher...
- The Smirking Chimp: " 'This Administration has had...
- The SSC3 Stepper Motor Control System: "An SSC3 sy...
- The Smirking Chimp: "Apparently, the Bush and Blai...
- ...Or More Lies From The Usual Suspects? (washingt...
- Well yesterday was pretty much of a bust. I wonder...
- Saw the episode of Seinfeld last night where Krame...
- HOME Advanced Micro Systems motion control drivers...
- This is a great site for a battle bot controller....
- Toshiba SR7000 Robot Controller Another site...
- Orocos (Open RObot COntrol Software): "Goals of th...
- coordination of research, teaching and education, ...
- < Built-in power drivers for two motors Connects ...
- Using C-52 EVB for simple robot experiments ...
- IFI Robotics - Isaac32 Robot ControllerOk here's t...
- Well, another day is about to start. The question ...
- The Smirking Chimp: "I recall watching the tape of...
- The Smirking Chimp: "If a sitting president can wi...
- The Smirking Chimp: "It mattered when Clinton lied...
- The Smirking Chimp: "A page on the White House's o...
- European Welfare Farmers: "Yet the rich world's re...
- The Smirking Chimp: "Senate Intelligence Chair Pat...
- Harry Potter and the Internet Pirates: "'What is u...
- The WiFi Solution ( " Intel wants to...
- Palestinian Militants Reject Call To Disarm (washi...
- Liberia Not Another Somalia, Citizens Stress (wash...
- Race Divides Hispanics, Report Says (washingtonpos...
- Maybe I need to use italics to separate what I wri...
- Good morning Blogsphere! Another week, another in...
- This looks to be an excellent dealRobot Products I...
- Here's a robot controller being resold. Any bets ...
- The first robot controller I've found outside of t...
- I'll be keeping my eye out on this one:OverviewDAR...
- another!Get Your Motor Running
- What do you know? A useful technology article! Giv...
- Is this right?Patent for Ethical Artificial Intell...
About Me

- Craig
- eureka, California, United States
- As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not