Prepare for the Overlords!

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Sunday, July 13, 2003

Excellent Question!National House of Waffles: "Why does it always come to this in Washington? The people who ascend to power on the promise of doing things differently end up making the same unforced errors their predecessors did. Out of office, the Bush crowd mocked the Clinton propensity for stonewalling; in office, they have stonewalled the 9/11 families on the events that preceded the attacks, and the American public on how � and why � they maneuvered the nation into the Iraqi war"

The Bush administration has known all along that the evidence of the imminent threat of Saddam's weapons and the Al Qaeda connections were pumped up. They were manning the air hose.

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eureka, California, United States
As Popeye once said,"I ams what I am." But then again maybe I'm not